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Mobile Friendly Websites

Mobile use is trending and one you can leverage today!
1 Call Service will put your website on the road to mobile friendly Shangri-la.

What is a “Mobile Friendly Website”?

As the mobile world continues to grow in size and popularity, it’s important to make sure that your website can be viewed by those using smart phones, tablets and other media enabled devices. When you first got a website, you probably didn’t consider the mobile phone and web explosion. Most people didn’t.

However, with the invention of tablets, the iPhone and Android, mobile users have been on the rise and it is the future. We prepare your website with turnkey solutions?

The most important thing to know about mobile version websites is that they aren’t new sites. They are your smart website, optimized to detect size and shape of a mobile device requesting your site and text, graphics, menu items, products are rearranged into a format that mobile users can use (the “button-block” format). Smart backend coding makes the mobile site load faster and putting the information the user wants into an easily attainable format.

How do you create a Mobile Version Website?

When you hire 1 Call Service, we take a look at your existing website and infrastructure to see if it is “scalable”, meaning that it is setup in such way that there is a separation between the content and the design. If you’re site is a static HTML site, chances are an upgrade is in order. The web is a dynamic place, and we recommend moving your website to a Content Management System (CMS) and utilize a database to store your documents. This allows us to separate the content from the design, which is a key in the development of a mobile version website.  Changes and updates are then accomplished easily!

Some things that will not exist in your mobile version website:

  • Flash – Smart phones no longer render flash files, so they are of no use to you in your mobile version website
  • Splash Screens – If you have an opening landing page that requires a user to “click to enter”, we recommend skipping this on your mobile website. People are already on your site. Why make them click more than they have to in order to find information and contact you, book an appointment, place an order or purchase your products. We make it easy!
  • Full size backgrounds – Many sites today have a large graphic as a background image. Since the smart phone’s screen is small, we code the site to display a smaller ‘right sized’ background file so the visitor still has the full visual experience.

Find out more about Mobile Version Websites