
“We had that problem for a month before you fixed it in 1 day!”

E-mail Problems

Helpful Support Tips

Here is some troubleshooting information to identify common e-mail problems.

My e-mail doesn’t work at all!

Ok, can you reach websites on the computer attempting to check email?  If not then we need to look for a general connection issues like a router turned off, switch turned off or a cable unplugged even though everything looks plugged in.  When you can browse the internet again your e-mail should be accessible.

How do I setup Outlook?

Click Here to go to our Outlook setup page.

Receiving email works but sending fails.

This is a common issue and can be solved pretty quickly.  Many times your Internet provider is blocking outbound email.  Configure your Outlook to use them for your outgoing smtp business email.  We can contact your provider to resolve these types of issues if needed because providers have different requirements.

Is Spam is taking over!

Filled out a survey last week and now your inbox is full of junk mail? It is inevitable that you are at some point in life going to get spam.  We recommend having Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007 which has free filtering built in.

We provide free spam filtering with our e-mail hosting services but if your company still experiences a significant amount of spam we also provide a premium business email solution for $36 per user.

Helpful Outlook Support Videos

In this section of the website we have pre-made helpful videos quickly outlining how to setup your Outlook email accounts. These are some of the support questions we get most often.

This page describes setting up an email address in Outlook 2003 and 2010. To get more help on Outlook feel free to call us at the office at 972-418-2000 or 1-866-826-5611


Contact Us for More Help

Fill out the form below and one of our technicians will contact you regarding your issue. Let us help you get back on the road of email!